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Meet Lisa our NEW Mortgage Associate!

We at Your Mortgage Needs are excited to announce Lisa, to our TEAM! Read below to get to know her better!

1. Why mortgages?

I have always believed in owning your own home vs renting. I have a background in accounting and a love for numbers and money. As a realtor, I quickly realized that many of my clients #1 hurtle to buying a home was securing a mortgage. I feel that offering clients solutions, education and guidance towards purchasing a home is why I am in my current role as a Realtor and adding Mortgage Associate to my repertoire will further enhance that role.

2. What do you love best about your job?

Helping people understand money and make wise investment decisions is a part of who I am and what drives me in my career.

3. What do you do for fun?

I have a husband and 4 children – 2 with spouses and 1 grandchild. Spending time on holidays, skiing, camping or watching them play sports is a big part of my personal life. I also have a few very dear girlfriends that I enjoy spending time with. We like to gather for beverages, organize shopping trips or go on adventures together. Outings often include spa days, concerts or events or short getaways. I have been white water rafting several times with my girls and cherish those trips.

4. When it comes to household chores, work deadlines or even working out, are you laid-back or a let’s get it done now type?

I need a schedule and then I am a get it done person! Organization is key to my success or I do tend to struggle to get everything done as I often overcommit myself which can be overwhelming.

5. Do you have any useless talents?

No talent is useless! I don’t do a lot for hobbies or non family/friends/work related things. I dabble in pottery and painting classes but mostly just for the night out and an excuse to visit which is often accompanied with wine. My friends say that my best talent is bringing people together. I love to organize events and bring a mismatch of people together. Many of my friends have developed great friendships through introductions I have made.

Oh! I know a useless talent. I recently got ordained for the day and married 2 of my friends. I am told I did a fabulous job. Being that I am overly emotional and an ugly crier I am going to file that in my useless talent folder.

6. What would your warning label say?

Caution! This girl is on a mission. She has goals, she has plans, may have slightly overcommitted herself, but step back and let her through as she has a schedule to keep, best not get in her way!

7. If you could have a superpower what would it be and why?

The ability to not require sleep. There always is more I want to do in a day but I get tired and need to sleep (go figure!). If I could just not require any sleep I am super positive I would get through my to do list everyday!

For All Your Mortgage Needs contact one of our Team Members!


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